Portrait Rachel
Taking pictures is a passion for me if I take pictures for myself. Attempting to create something unique, which at first glance, but also to leave behind your handwriting. This photo did not last long because the model was very good and it was easy to work with. In this photograph, I had a clear idea.
V prvom rade, som chcela nafotiť aj vec, ktorú sme ušili (sveter, ktorý má modelka), v druhom rade som chcela využiť krásu tejto modelky. Snaha zachytávať rôzne uhly, rôzne pohľady a v neposlednom rade využiť vlastný štýl fotenia.
First of all, I wanted to take a picture of the thing we stitched (a sweater that has a model), secondly, I wanted to use the beauty of this model. Trying to capture different angles, different views and also use your own style of shooting.
Fotografovanie sa nieslo vo voľnom štýle a každou chvíľkou s viacerými nápadmi. Dokonca som v tej chvíli ľutovala, že mám len jedinú vec, ktorú potrebujem nafotiť.
The shooting was in a free style and every moment with more ideas. I even regretted at that moment that I only had one thing I needed to shoot.
Vďaka skvelej modelke, dobrému počasiu a všetkému čo prispelo k tomuto foteniu, vznikli tieto fotografie. Tak posúďte sami.
Thanks to a great model, good weather and everything that contributed to this photography, these photos were created. So judge yourself.
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