EveryBODY is beautiful
Beauty of the body I do not think I need to write. This beauty is used by many photographers, even many well. The body is the greatest artistic work that has infinity of possibilities. This campaign was created to increase self-confidence and self love and to be as happy as they are.
V tejto kampani, boli zahrnuté fotografie, no tiež pár kúskov oblečenia. Fotografie, ktoré zachytávali ľudí, ako jednoduchú bytosť, bez rozdielov. Takíto ako naozaj sú, nie bohatí, nie chudobní, nie tuční, nie chudí, ale jedineční.
In this campaign, photos were included, but also a few pieces of clothing. Photos that captured people as a simple being, without distinction. Those who are really, not rich, not poor, not fat but unique.
Vďaka tejto kampani sa podarilo podporiť, mnohých mladých ľudí, či už popri fotografovaní, alebo následne myšlienkov. Téma, ktorá je rozoberaná často, no myslím, že nie dosť. Veľa následkov, ktoré existujú a sú spojené s touto problematikou, si nechceme pripúšťať.
Thanks to this campaign, many young people have been able to support themselves either after shooting or following thoughts. The topic that is being discussed often, but I think not enough. Many consequences that exist and are associated with these issues do not want to be accepted.
Pre šírenie tohto posolstva, pre podporu mladých i starších a pre tých, ktorý si myslia, že sú menej ako ostatní, no tiež pre tých, ktorým ostatní dokazujú že na to nemajú.
Pre všetkých vás, som sa rozhodla zverejniť tieto fotografie, so zachovaním anonymity ľudí. Pretože každý z vás je nádherný, taký aký je. Bez rozdielov na to, aké názory majú ostatní.
For the dissemination of this message, for the support of the young and the elderly, and for those who think they are less than others, but also for those others prove they do not.
For all of you, I decided to publish these photos, keeping people anonymous. Because every one of you is beautiful, as it is. No difference to what the others have.
Everybody is beautiful!
(každý je nádherný, každé telo je nádherné!)
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