Amazing year
(my cake with French macarons from best sister)
Dnes je ten deň, kedy mám o rok viac. Nemyslím, že je potrebné gratulovať, opisovať to no tiež to neberiem ako niečo zlé. Uplynulý rok ma naučil, ako sa správať k ľuďom. Koľko z nich si zaslúži moju pozornosť.
Today is the day I have one more year. I do not think it is necessary to congratulate, to describe it, but I also do not take it as something bad. The past year taught me how to behave to people. How many of them deserve my attention.
Moju pozornosť si zaslúžia všetci tí, ktorí sa naučili žiť šťastne, alebo to aspoň skúsili. Tiež tí, ktorí mi pomohli v ľahkých i ťažkých chvíľach. Tí ktorí mi dávajú dôvody smiať sa a tiež tí ktorí ma podporujú v tom čo robím.
My attention is worthy of all those who have learned to live happily or at least have tried. Also those who helped me in easy and difficult moments. Those who give me reason to laugh, and also those who support me in what I do.
Vek je len číslo, ja viem, že za uplynulý rok, v ktorom sa toho zmenilo a udialo mnoho, som veľa dokázala. Na všetkom sa podieľali mnohí skvelí ľudia, ktorí mi dodali silu. Som rada, že dnešok môžem tráviť s rodinou, priateľmi a v zdraví ktoré mám.
Age is just a figure, I know that over the past year, when it has changed and done so much, I have done a lot. Everything was shared by many great people who gave me the strength. I'm glad I can spend my days with my family, friends, and the health I have.
(my full of fruits cake from best mother)
If you see someone you want to say nice words, whether it's on the street or on the internet, try it. I'm trying so much more! You do not even know how much a person can help. You too, because that's what they can do to improve the day. Everyday I smile at people because that's what they need. Once in a while, I write or tell people how much I admire them, whether because they have done something, or because they have at least tried it. These are the words that people move further.
Ďakujem každému z vás, kto tu raz za čas zájde, prečíta si tieto slová, pretože viem, že to dáva zmysel. A vlastne všetko čo robím mi dáva ešte viac potešenia, ak sa môžem podeliť s vami o svoje zážitky. Každý deň je nádherný a verte, že ak máte zlý deň, neznamená, že máte aj zlý život.
I thank every one of you who goes out once in a while to read these words because I know it makes sense. And all I do is give me even more pleasure if I can share with you about your experiences. Every day is beautiful and believe that if you have a bad day, it does not mean you have a bad life either.
Snívajte, tvorte, tešte sa a hlavne žite tak, ako vám káže srdce. Ostatné prichádza samé. <3
Dream, make, sweat, and especially live as your heart preaches. Others come in the same way. <3
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