Wedding M&P
Svadby nám často prinášajú nové zážitky, dozvedáme sa viac o ľuďoch a na chvíľu sme jedným z dôležitých faktorov v ich živote. Táto svadba sa niesla v duchu krásy, harmónie a pohodlia.
Weddings often bring new experiences, we learn more about people and for a moment we are one of the important factors in their lives. This wedding was in the spirit of beauty, harmony and comfort.
Ako Fotograf musím často zvládať stres nevesty a jej blízkych. Zvykla som si na zaväzovanie šiat neveste, upokojovanie atmosféry a chválenie všetkého. Je dôležité aby mali pocit istoty a toho, že ich vysnívaný deň je naozaj dokonalý.
As a Photographer, I often have to deal with the stress of the bride and her close ones. I used to bind the bride's dress, calm the atmosphere and praise everything. It's important that they have a sense of certainty and that their dream day is really perfect.
Tento deň bol jedným, z tých krásnych dní na ktorích som sa mohla podieľať. Na tejto svadbe bol vnesený veľmi precízne štýl, krása a všetko čo k svadbe patrí. Títo ľudia, boli veľmi milý, priateľský a ich svadba taktiež.
This day was one of those beautiful days I could share. A very precise style, beauty, and all that belongs to the wedding was brought to this wedding. These people were very nice, friendly and their wedding too.
Celú svadbu sa starali o atmosféru a pre mňa to bola jedna z svadieb, na ktorej sa fotilo naozaj dobre. O krásy tejto svadby sa preto chcem podeliť aj s vami. Tak sledujte a prežívajte tu atmosféru.
The whole wedding took care of the atmosphere. For me, it was one of the weddings on which it was really good. That's why I want to share the beauty of this wedding with you. So watch and experience the atmosphere.
Snáď som vás na chvíľku vzala do tejto atmosféry.
Maybe I took you for a moment into this atmosphere.
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