Wedding E&J
Jedinečná prvá svadba, ktorú som mala šancu nafotiť. Som vďačná týmto ľuďom, ktorí ma posunuli ďalej. Prvé svadobné fotenie bolo naozaj náročné a ja som mala asi 15rokov. Dnes viem, ako veľa ma to naučilo a kde ma to posunulo.
Unique first wedding, which I had the chance to shoot. I am grateful to these people who have moved me further. The first wedding photography was really demanding and I was about 15 years old. Today I know how much she taught me and where it moved me.
Čaro spoznávania ľudí, kde máte šancu zažiť s nimi najkrajší deň v živote je naozaj veľké.
The charm of knowing people where you have the chance to experience the most beautiful day in life is really great.
The charm of knowing people where you have the chance to experience the most beautiful day in life is really great.
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