Ak si naplánujete výlet do Bratislavy a z vašich plánov nič nevychádza, snažíte sa spraviť niečo inak. A tak sa z môjho výletu do Bratislavy stal výlet do Viedne. Pravdu povediac, ďalej ako na Belveder som ani neplánovala ísť, keďže som chodila pešo a bolo to rozhodnutie na poslednú chvíľu. Belveder je krásny, ako z vonku tak aj z vnútra. Sú tam krásne obrazy známych a známejších maliarov. Kto tam nebol tak určite sa oplatí ísť. Ostatné fotky sú fotené len tak, cestou na obed alebo cestou ku Belvederu.
If you are planning a trip to Bratislava and nothing goes, you are trying to do something else. So my trip to Bratislava became a trip to Vienna. I only saw Belveder on the map as I walked on foot. It was the decision at the last minute. Belveder is beautiful both from outside and from inside. There are beautiful pictures of famous painters. Who was not so surely recommending going there. Other photos are taken out on the way to lunch or on the way to Belvedere.
If you are planning a trip to Bratislava and nothing goes, you are trying to do something else. So my trip to Bratislava became a trip to Vienna. I only saw Belveder on the map as I walked on foot. It was the decision at the last minute. Belveder is beautiful both from outside and from inside. There are beautiful pictures of famous painters. Who was not so surely recommending going there. Other photos are taken out on the way to lunch or on the way to Belvedere.