Znova som cestovala a tak trocha aj oslavovala. Miláno je krásne, aj pamiatkami no tiež milými ľuďmi, kaviarničkami a jedlom. Výlet som si užila viac ako by som čakala. Ak sa tam raz vyberiete hľadajte aj zákutia tohto mesta, sú nádherné. Nájdete mnoho miest, ktoré niesu zaznačené v mapách turistov, no niekedy sú omnoho krajšie. My sme tam vystihli aj EXPO, no nezúčastnili sme sa ani jednej výstavy. Ľudí bolo všade mnoho, no to sa dalo čakať a tak pár fotiek.
I traveled again and so was a little glorious. Milan is beautiful, but also sights, nice people, cafes and food. I enjoyed the trip more than I expected. If you choose to look for the city, they are beautiful. You will find many places that are not marked in tourist maps, but sometimes they are much nicer. We also had an EXPO, but we did not participate in the exhibition. There were many people everywhere, but it could be expected and so a few photos.